A haven for my Dungeons and Dragons ideas.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The implications of the Half-Orc (Mature topic)

You shouldn't read this post if you are immature, easily offended,
or too young to see an R-rated movie.

You have been warned.

Orcs are ugly.


I can't imagine someone in a Medieval Fantasy tavern, no matter how many pints of ale, looking across the room and thinking: "wow, that Orc is Hot!"

I guess it's possible.

Charm Person, various illusions, Polymorph or other spells, or aphrodisiacs and magic potions from the Book of Erotic Fantasy would probably increase the chances for the Orc.

But without those, either a blind person mated with the Orc, or the Human parent was raped.

Raped. Probably after their town was pillaged.

I have a feeling that that implication wasn't thought through with the first couple of editions of D&D.

It was probably best that kids don't think about that stuff.

Just an observation.

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